Appearing at major festivals and events around the world, Saddle Span® band shells, stage covers offer great acoustics, superb sight lines and an unforgettable iconic profile.
Tentnology® is the manufacturer & distributor of the Saddle Span® Stage Cover, Band shell. Tentnology® offers these amazing stage cover structures for sale or rent.
Type of Stage Tents
Available in 6 sizes and dozens of configurations. Module areas of 50 m2, 1000, 200, 500, and 1200 m2 each can be arranged and joined by the user in single (mono) duo, tri, quad, and penta configurations., thanks to their system where adjoining tents can be placed end-to-end. The user can join them for infinitely expandable, fascinating covered amazing space.

Our in-house engineers and architect can bring your project presentation to life with WYSIWYG imagery based upon our state-of-the-art technology. What we present is exactly what you’ll get … within a millimeter.
Engineered for code 115 mph winds – even more depending on the configuration – the Saddle Span® is not just beautiful, but robust and durable. Saddle Span® stage covers may be left up permanently (but not in snow or hurricane!) or set up/taken down and moved surprisingly quickly.
Saddle Span® configured as band shell or in any of it many arrangements for massive covered space may be anchored into the ground or ballasted whenever earth anchorage is inappropriate.
One of the many features of Saddle Span® stage tents are its optional ‘ExtEnd®’ fabric closures. Install the module without end closures or “open” to allow for great views from inside. For a cool sunshade, add an ‘ExtEnd’ as a backdrop or an additional end to completely enclose the tent for multifunctional use: theater cover or festival stage tent.
Two types of optional end closures are available:
- the curved ExtEnd® with its soaring removable walls for spectacular views
- the vertical Portico with its vertical walls and options to add snap in double doors.
Both have easily removable infill rock solid tensioned walls in many options: transparent, translucent, opaque, your call. In fact, let us know what you want. The possibilities are almost limitless. The Portico wall’s solid doors facilitate back of the house “green rooms”.
Multiple Saddle Span® modules connect with Tentnology®’s patented keder joiner system for even more function space and audience cover.
Video mapping finds a friend in Saddle Span® taut tensioned membrane surface as do light shows and projection. 100% “luff” proof – Saddle Span® makes no distracting racket in wind as the membranes automatically take beautifully taut anticlastic curvaceous forms designed into them.
Customize your portable stage cover with graphics and logo
SaddleSpan® keeps it simple and effective with 4 basic parts – base plate, apex, identical symmetric truss, all interchangeable, and fabric membrane. Saddle Span® trusses nest for efficient transport while membranes roll up into transport tough wrap bags.
Tentnology® is well acquainted with rapid deployment common in the industrial rental and entertainment industry. A structure is a pile of parts on a trailer one moment, then assembled and erected the next, often at midnight in driving rain. So, we keep it simple and safe. All assembly is done at ground level with no work aloft. Erection is the last act, and done in a matter of minutes. Take down/strike is quick and easy; typically 1/3 install time.
About Saddle Span - Stage Covers
Originally developed in 1979, Saddle Span® is time-tested, tried and true. Many of the all-time great stars perform in them. But Tentnology® never rests on its laurels. Our latest design changes and upgrades expand the structure type’s applications exponentially. Keder bolt on attachment systems cut assembly time while ensuring picture perfect wrinkle-free membrane, every time. Tentnology®’s job #1 is to make our client into a special event hero with our concert tent rentals.
Tentnology S5000 PentaSpan
The Tentnology Saddle Span® concert tent band shell currently stars on stages across the globe, including countries like:
Bahrain, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Korea, Sweden, Greenland, Scotland, Dubai, Finland, Germany, Holland, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia (right in front of the Sydney Opera house!) Romania, Sardinia, St. Lucia, Virgin Islands, Trinidad, Russia, Ukraine, Mexico, France, Bermuda, Great Britain and of course across the United States… everywhere but Antarctica.
SaddleSpan® stage covers are also used by symphony orchestras in St. Louis, Vermont, Virginia, Hartford, Buffalo, Vancouver, New Haven CT and on the Disney Epcot Guest Stage.
These special stage structures cover spectacular venues at the NASA Kennedy Space Center, or serve diverse duty at the Tampa Bay Buccaneer skating rink, Anchorage Alaska ferry terminal, Palm Beach Garden city center, City of Coquitlam music pavilion.

SaddleSpan® structures thrive at special events as stage covers; but those same features, so necessary in that demanding market: rapid deployment, clear span space, adaptability, expandability, simplicity, and solid engineering documentation, make it a respectable candidate for industrial, military and disaster relief.
Contact Tentnology® today for more technical information and a quote.
Tentnology® Manufacturer – helps you create amazing space and stage covers.